Online Articles Convincing You That Catholicism is Wrong

Answering Catholic Claims
This blog site is publishing articles to show some of the errors of the Catholic Church, especially Catholic doctrines that concern salvation. It wants to emphasize the simplicity of salvation, which is not by trusting in works but by trusting in the work and suffering of Jesus Christ on the cross and by that alone.

Areas of Roman Catholic Deception
You can download from this page the PDF of Ten Areas of Roman Catholic Deception. You can also read other Catholic deception articles on this site.

Catholic Doctrine
Coming In The Clouds
This page has links to articles that carefully point out the many heretical, unbiblical doctrines of the Roman Catholic church and her many offshoots (Byzantine Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Greek Orthodox, Russian Orthodox, and more.)

Heritage Bible Church
You can read or download articles about Catholicism on this website.

Cults/Index To Catholicism
In Plain Site
This page contains links to articles about Catholicism.

Catholic Witnessing Resources
If you need resources you can use in witnessing to Catholics, you can visit this website and read or download their articles or books about Catholicism.

Conversion from Roman Catholicism to Biblical Christianity
Our Little Place
"I grew up in a loving family who attended the Catholic Church regularly - not just my immediate family, min you - but my entire family was Catholic! I was a regular participant and played the organ at church and also was a leader in the folk choir for most of my teenage years." (Read more about this article, click the link above.)

Corruptions of Christianity: Catholicism
"There are far too many people I've met who just yoke together with Catholics, and think the Catholic Church is nothing more than a branch of Christianity. I want to make it clear that if you believe, live, and teach according to what the Catholic Church believes and teaches, then you are not of Christ. This is not to say that a born again Christian cannot exist in the Catholic Church, but if they are of Christ, they will NOT remain in it very long." (Read more about this article, click the link above.)

Ex-Catholics for Christ
Ex-Catholics for Christ reaches out to Roman Catholics all over the world by publishing helpful articles about Roman Catholicism. You can visit their page for articles that are available for reading.

Former Roman Catholic
Everyone should know what the Catholic gospel is and that this gospel is not biblically sound. A former Catholic, Dan Corner, shared what he knew about Catholicism. You will read his articles on this page.

Information on Roman Catholicism
Chick Publications published several articles on Catholicism. You can visit their website to read these articles.

Is the Roman Catholic Church Polytheistic
Heritage Bible Church
"In the Catholic Church Mary is very clearly deified. The good Catholic prays to Mary ten times to one every time he says a Rosary. Who is preeminent: Mary or God the Father? He believes that Mary can hear his prayer and at the same time hear the prayer of another Catholic a thousand miles away." (Read more about this article, click the link above.)

Mission To Catholics International
Mission To Catholics is a fundamental/evangelical ministry reaching Roman Catholics with the Biblical message of salvation. They believe in the message of salvation as taught by Scripture alone. To achieve their goal, they publish many articles and other resources about the Catholic religion on their website.

Protestants and Catholics: Do They Now Agree
The John Ankerberg Show
"Do Roman Catholics and Evangelical Protestants now agree? Catholics and Protestants have increasingly found themselves working together. Protesting against abortion, fighting pornography and guarding the loss of religious freedoms in the court. And now some of Evangelical Christianity's most highly respected leaders have linked hands with Roman Catholics leaders in signing an accord." (Read more about this article, click the link above.)

Reaching Catholics for Christ
Reaching Catholics for Christ is an association of ministries developed to facilitate the work of individuals and ministries committed to bringing the good news of salvation to Catholics. They direct ex-Catholics and others with a heart for witnessing to Catholics. Their website is full of articles that will help those who are witnessing to Catholics.

Roman Catholicism
"Roman Catholicism claims about its authority, it's apostolic succession, it's priesthood, and it's sole right to interpret Scripture. Yet, it clearly teaches things not taught in Scripture. In fact, it contradicts Scripture." (Read more about this article, click the link above.)

Roman Catholicism: A Damning and False Religion
"The Roman Catholic Church is a damning and a false religion. It is nothing less than a front for the kingdom of Satan. It preaches and promotes a damning delusion. Jesus said that we will recognize false teachers by their fruit. Here are some of the fruits of Catholicism, so judge for yourself." (Read more about this article, click the link above.)

Roman Catholicism Archive
This page has a list of articles about Roman Catholicism.

Roman Catholicism in Theory and Practice
"It is a source of grief to us, as workers on a field where Romanism is seen at its worst, as we realize the absolute hopelessness of the multitudes, and our inability to reach them with the Gospel with so few workers before they pass into eternity, that there is so little interest, so little apparent care for their souls, on the part of the Christian people in the home land. Africa, China, and all heathen lands far away across the sea appeal to the hearts of Christians at home, and call forth men and means to give them the Gospel." (Read more about this article, click the link above.)

Roman Catholicism vs. Biblical Christianity: What Are the Key Differences

The Roman Catholic Church
You will find some articles about the Roman Catholic on this page.

Two Curses Collide
"I grew up as a Roman Catholic in southern New England. Although I was never one of those "dyed in the wool" types of Catholics, I still prayed the rosary from time to time, especially when worried or concerned about some matter in my life. Generally, however, I was not a very religious person." (Read more about this article, click the link above.)

Whatever Happened to the Church at Rome
"It has been said that the epistle of Romans, written by the apostle Paul, is one of the greatest and most sublime books of Scripture. It is his masterpiece. It is one of the most profound and influential books ever written. This book is called "Romans" because it was, of course, written to the first-century church (that is, the assembly of Christians) in the city of Rome." (Read more about this article, click the link above.)

What Every Catholic Should Know
"Today, many Roman Catholics do not know what official Roman Catholic teaching is or what it means to be called Catholic. In light of this, many are unaware that numerous contradictions exist between the Bible and the Catholic faith. This web site has been designed to help you understand both Official Catholic teaching and the truth found in the Holy Bible." (Read more about this article, click the link above.)

Worldview Weekend
Worldview Weekend publishes articles about the Roman Catholicism. To search for articles, simply type the word "catholic" in the search engine.